Tomodachi World is a collection of uniquely generated NFTs living on the Ethereum blockchain. First and foremost, our focus has been on capturing the artistic expression of Tomodachi through the medium of a 7777 generative NFT collection and the professional execution of the presale and public sale mints. Additionally, the pre-sale mint price will be (TBA) and the public mint price will be (TBA). Basically, each presale WL spot will be allowed to mint a maximum of 2 NFTs per wallet address.

When and Where

Tomodachi NFT will be running on April 21, 2022, on the OpenSea marketplace.
Tomodachi World NFT Roadmap

Exclusive Raffle
When 25% of the Tomodachis sell out, will be doing a community exclusive raffle to win Ethereum!

Free Airdrop
Additionally, When 50% of the Tomodachis sell out, 10 lucky holders will be airdropped one free Tomodachi as well as

Special Raffle
When 100% of the Tomodachis sell out, will be doing another community exclusive raffle to win more Ethereum!

Community Fund
50 Eth will be deposited into a community wallet for the development of Tomodachi World as well as 50% of all future resale revenues!

Rarity Tools
Will list the Tomodachis on Rarity Tools

Voxel Tomodachi NFT

Will drop our collection of V2 Tomodachis. Thy are Voxel art NFTs that will be playable in The Sandbox Game and free to the mint for holders

Additionally, Tomodachi holders will create a fun and expansive world inside the Sandbox Game. Additionally, this world will be guided and governed by the holders of Tomodachi NFTs and generate revenue from its attractions! All revenues from Tomodachi world will be redistributed to NFT holders!

Creator: Tomodachi
Blockchain: Ethereum
Marketplace: OpenSea